Yesterday the US House Judicaiary Committee heard statements as to why Internet Gambling should not be allowed in the US. As I read a statement made by the Family Research Councils, Vice President of Government Affairs, Tom McClusky it made me think again why we as followers of Christ should not participate in such a destructive activitiy such as gambling. Below is just a small excerpt from his speech. After reading his comments, I would challenge any "Christian" who defends gambling as to why this acitivity is deemed appropriate behavior for a child of God?? Again, does this fall into the category of selfishness or love? After reading Mr. McClusky's comments I would hope we could all agree that gambling is indeed an act of selfishness and thus is a sin.......
The report continues that "many families of pathological gamblers suffer from a variety of financial, physical, and emotional problems, including divorce, domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, and a range of problems stemming from the severe financial hardship that commonly results from pathological gambling. Children of compulsive gamblers are more likely to engage in delinquent behaviors such as smoking, drinking, and using drugs, and have an |
Oh come on,...Are you trying to tell me that we are supposed to take up our cross daily?
(Luke 9:23).
Believe it or not, the church I USED to go to actually had - if you can believe this - A POKER MINISTRY! To this day men are still in that church who are deacons and frequent casinos and play poker on a regular basis. This, along with many other reasons led me to leave as I just could no longer stand how God's name and honor were being profaned.
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